Monday, September 11, 2006

A Psychoanlyst's point of view on chapters 1-2 in The Scarlet Letter

As a psychoanalyst, there are certain point of views that I have towards certain morals and principals. Although psychoanalysis is the concept of one being upset or depressed as a result of having strange hidden sexual desires towards others, I still feel that what Hester did was wrong. Even though her elderly husband couldn't please her and she was alone in America that doesn't give her the right to give in to her passionate desires towards Dimmesdale. At the time she might have had psychoanalytical feelings towards Dimmesdale but in order to avoid the great sin of adultry and to avoide the life of great scorn and regret she should have held back and kept in her urges as well as Dimmesdale. Hester was punishe greatly for her actions but even though I thought what she did was wrong, I still don't think that she deserved the treatment that she got her whole life.

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