Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Voice of Mistress Hibbins on The First Scaffold Scenes

When Hester Prynne walked down that eerily long path to the scaffold, I thougt to myself "wow, she must have a lot of guts to commit adultry so nonchalantly like that. Maybe she could come to the forest with me one of these days and I'll teach her a trick or two about witchcraft? I can't believe that she did what she did and is now being shamed for it in front of everyone. If she only knew how to hide her sins well like I do then she wouldn't have to suffer with public rejection for the rest of her life. Such a beautiful woman like that should be praised for her courage and for her beauty, and not be scorned for her passion. Yet maybe she's not as evil as I now think of her to be, and maybe it was just a mistake. Maybe it just happened in a time of great passion and love and it wasn't meant to be out of sin or self induldgence? Whatever it was it definitely ups my thoughts about her and how she doesn't care about how people think of her. If only I possessed that quality...."

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